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Small engine makes big impact

By Derek Price Automotive Writer American car companies are known for bragging every time they unveil a big, powerful engine. “Introducing the new Bonecrusher 8000,” they might say, “with more torque than an M1 tank and more horsepower than a

Posted in Ford

2014 Fiesta aims high

By Derek Price Automotive Writer It may seem weird to draw comparisons between economy cars and hyper-expensive supercars, but it’s hard not to see some exotic influence in the new-for-2014 Ford Fiesta. For one thing, its new nose borrows heavily

Posted in Ford

Tough and Sophisticated

By Derek Price Automotive Writer Whenever I drive a pickup truck, I tune the radio to the Willie Nelson station and cruise down a country road. It just seems fitting. With this one, though, I keep finding myself tuning to

Posted in Ford
